Hóa chất Triton® X-100 cho sắc ký khí Merck 1122981001 (C₈H₁₇C₆H₄(OCH₂CH₂)⁷nOH, Chai thủy tinh 1 l) DEEP52 https://yeuhangduc.vn/
Mô tả
CAS number: 9036-19-5
Chemical formula: C₈H₁₇C₆H₄(OCH₂CH₂)⁷nOH
Identity (IR-spectrum): passes test
McReynolds constant (Benzene): 190 - 250
McReynolds constant (Butanol): 370 - 420
McReynolds constant (Nitropropane): 365 - 405
Temperaturestability: loss in weight between 270 and 290 °C (thermogravimetry): ≤ 2 %
Water (according to Karl Fischer): ≤ 0.2